
The Users page allows you to see a list of all users who have interacted with your assistant. It provides a quick overview of each user’s recent message, their ID, and the date and time of their interaction. This is helpful for monitoring and managing user interactions with your AI assistant.

Account Settings

When you click on a user’s message, you’re taken to a detailed User Details view. This section displays more specific information about that user, including:

  • User Identity: A unique identifier for the user.
  • Total Sessions: The total number of sessions the user has had with your assistant.
  • Total Messages: The total number of messages the user has sent.
  • Avg. Session Time: The average time the user spends in a session.
  • Created At: The date and time the user first interacted with the assistant.
  • Last Session: The date and time of the user’s most recent session.
  • Total Session Time: The cumulative time the user has spent with the assistant.
Account Settings

The Message History section shows the conversation between the user and the assistant, providing a full context of the interaction history. This can be especially useful for understanding user behavior and improving the assistant’s responses.